Phone book
You can store up to 199 numbers and associated
names in your phone’s memory. These numbers are
right at your fingertips for easy dialing.
Things to know about the phone book
Stored numbers may be up to 32 digits long.
Stored names may be up to 16 characters long.
You can not store identical names into your phone
(i.e., John, John); make sure that like names are some-
what different in the phone book (i.e., John, Johnny).
Replace? followed by the currently stored name displays
when storing a name already in memory.
Accessing the phone book
Press Names, scroll to desired submenu and press
About the submenus
The phone book has several submenus from which you
can choose.
Search allows you to search for a specific name.
Add new allows you to enter new names and numbers.
Options lets you choose your scrolling view, as well as
to show memory status.
1-touch dialing allows you to assign up to seven one-
touch dial locations (see page 47 for details).
Caller groups allows you to rename or change the ringing
tone for a caller group (see“Caller groups” on page 26).

Erase all lets you erase every name and number in your
phone book. You can erase one name and number at a
time by pressing Details, then Options when viewing a
name already in the directory.